ADCR Guidance and Support

ADCR Consortium

Guidance and support

ADCR Guidance Materials

To support compliant use of the five authorised ADCR chromate substances, ADCR has developed several supporting documents.

On this page you will find Exposure Scenarios,  several flow charts, and later in 2025, additional guidance documents will be published.

ADCR Exposure Scenarios

ADCR has developed the Exposure Scenarios to be placed in annex of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Chromium Trioxide (CT), Dichromium Tris(Chromate) (DtC), Potassium Dichromate (PD), Sodium Chromate (SC) and Sodium Dichromate (SD).

Depending on the authorised use, Application Holders and Downstream Users will have to identify the appropriate Exposure Scenarios (ES) to be annexed to their SDS, delete the non-relevant uses in the overview table (page 3) and the corresponding ES in the core document. The introductory section (pages 1 and 2) should be kept as an introduction of the annex.

Currently, only the English versions are available but translations into several other EU languages are being prepared and will be published (likely in April 2025)

Exposure Scenario Chromium Trioxide Dichromium tris(chromate) Potassium Dichromate Sodium chromate Sodium dischromate
English CT_eSDS_March 2025 DtC_eSDS_March 2025 PD_eSDS_March 2025 SC_eSDS_March 2025 SD_eSDS_March 2025

ADCR Recordings

ADCR has produced two recordings and published them on YouTube: ADCR Consortium - YouTube.

Overview of obligations in EC implementing Decisions for ADCR Authorisations and ADCR - How to execute at a site | Ensure compliance with granted ADCR Authorisations

The overview recording, provides information on the ADCR Authorisations, and walks through the implementing decisions in high level detail.

The second recording, presents two guidance flow charts for ensuring compliance with the required conditions  of the ADCR EU REACH Authorisations and the guidance flow chart on feasibility studies (see below)

ADCR Flow Charts

ADCR has developed a guidance flow chart to support compliance with the conditions found in the implementing decisions. ADCR T1 EU Implementing conditions guidance flow charts 11032025.

A flow chart is also developed to give guidance on the feasibility studies, where required from the implementing decisions. ADCR T1 EU feasibility study guidance flow charts 21022025.

To support downstream users ADCR has developed flow charts to support identification of the relevant REACH Authorisation Number for each use and substances.

ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - EU T1 submissions 1103025

ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - EU T2 submissions 11022025

ADCR applicant changes flow diagram - GB T1 submissions 17092024

ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - GB T2 submissions 11022025

ADCR FAQ Document

The ADCR Consortium developed an ADCR FAQ Document answering many questions related to the current applications and supply chain questions.

ADCR Factual Communication

The ADCR Consortium has updated its News section with a Factual Communication providing concise information on the submitted ADCR dossiers.

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