All submitted ADCR dossiers, to ECHA in the EU, and to HSE in the UK have been granted 12 year authorisation review periods from the European Commission and Defra in the UK.
ADCR have collated the status of all authorisation decisions with links to the decisions and additional information. The collected information also provides information on dossiers that have been submitted and that are still undergoing the assessment by the authorities.
The information is found in the ADCR Communication ‘Summary of ADCR applications submitted in EU and GB and decisions status’ (pdf, version 11 February 2025).
To support downstream users ADCR have developed flow charts to support identification of the relevant REACH Authorisation Number for each use and substances.
ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - EU T1 submissions 11022025
ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - EU T2 submissions 11022025
ADCR applicant changes flow diagram - GB T1 submissions 17092024
ADCR applicant changes flow diagrams - GB T2 submissions 11022025