Positive vote on the remaining ADCR dossiers in EU At the REACH Committee meeting 21 to 22 October (Comitology Register (europa.eu)) the European Commission and Member States voted to grant authorisation to the remaining 18 ADCR dossiers.
The draft decisions the committee voted upon are found on the link above. Note that the authorisations will be valid from the date of their decisions, which will be indicated in the Summary of authorisation decisions to be published in the Official Journal of the EU. In parallel, the full final decisions will be made publicly available and accessible from the Authorisation Decisions List.
The publication is expected to take between four to six weeks, and the ADCR Service Team will provide information when the summaries and decisions are published.
Updated version of ADCR Summary of applications submitted in EU and GB table (v 21 October)
Today, 23 October, 2024, we provide the following updates:
This table updates the previous September table with Authorisation Numbers (where already available).
ADCR Contact Network Survey
The Aerospace and Defence Chromates Re-Authorisation (ADCR) consortium intends to facilitate the exchange of relevant information between authorisation holders and downstream users of the aerospace and defence industry and its supply chains for the use of chromates.
With this
ADCR Contact Network Survey,
the ADCR Service Team aims to identify ADCR downstream users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Great Britain (GB) in order to establish a contact network. This will enable the ADCR Service Team to contact downstream users directly to provide assistance with the requirements and conditions of the chromate authorisations (e.g. guidance, webinars, templates). Likewise, the contact network will simplify the communication of downstream users with the ADCR consortium. Close cooperation between downstream users and the ADCR consortium will ensure that your site has all required knowledge to be compliant with the ADCR authorisations.
The seamless continued use of chromates in the aerospace and defence industry is in the interest of all members of the supply chain. We therefore ask for your support in achieving this goal by participating in the survey and joining the contact network.
Please complete this survey – separately for each site operating in the EEA or in GB.
The information provided will be used solely for the purposes of supporting imposed obligations of the Authorisation Decisions in EU and UK (GB).