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ADCR Updates 23 September 2024

EU update
On Friday 20 September the three first ADCR Authorisation Decisions received a positive vote by the REACH Committee by qualified majority. 

The three ADCR dossiers are for three substances; chromium trioxide, sodium dichromate and potassium dichromate, for use in the aerospace and defence industry and its supply chains. 

The review periods for all three adopted decision are 12 years from the submission date, and the authorised uses are for chemical conversion coating, passivation of non-aluminium metallic coatings and passivation of stainless steel.

The adopted implementing decisions includes a retroactive measure, aimed at covering the legal gap for uses of potassium dichromate and sodium dichromate for which the uses are authorised as of 22 September 2024. 

The final decisions (to our understanding, will be similar to the draft decisions) will be shared in the comitology register as soon as possible, and is expected to still take around four to five weeks.

UK update
On 23 September UK Government published 11 ADCR Authorising Decisions, adopted on 5 September, for dossiers that ADCR submitted under UK REACH Authorisation decisions: UK REACH - GOV.UK (
Other news items:

21 March 2025
ADCR has developed five Exposure Scenarios (ES) to be placed as annex of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Chromium Trioxide (CT), Dichromium Tris(Chromate) (DtC), Potassium Dichromate (PD), Sodium Chromate (SC) and Sodium Dichromate (SD). The five ES are found in ADCR Guidance and Support
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